深圳市丹佛工贸有限公司成立于 1993 年,专业制造高品质珠宝放大镜、钻石夹、八心八箭钻石切工镜、钻石热导仪、钻石铲、宝石布及宝石鉴定仪器,其中珠宝放大镜、钻石夹、八心八箭切工镜为品种最为齐全,品质最可靠的主导产品,钻石夹可以同瑞士生产钻石夹相媲美,我公司生产的产品质量一致性好,品质控制严格,售后服务好,交货快捷,信誉良好,取得了国内外众多客户的信任和支持,产品以出口为主导,远销世界各地,现每年不断推出新的高品质首饰工具,以满足顾客的需求。

我司生产的珠宝放大镜、钻石夹、八心八箭钻石切工镜、钻石铲、宝石布可按照客户 logo 来制作,成为珠宝公司最佳促销品之一。


   SHENZHEN DANVER INDUSTRIAL CO.LTD. was founded in 1993 by DuanFeng the professional manufacturer of high quality diamond loupes; diamond tweezers, hearts & arrows scopes, scoops, diamond tester, gem cloth ,and gemological instruments, we have the largest selection of diamond loupes, diamond tweezers, hearts & arrows scopes in the Wolrd, the quality of diamond tweezers can match Swiss made tweezers, we deliver to our customers with consistent quality products, our products are widely accepted by many famous companies in the World.

Export is our main business, every year, we will have several new products to meet the requirements.

All our diamond loupes, diamond tweezers, hearts & arrows scopes, scoops, gem clothes can be made with customer logo, the best effective promotion gifts for your jewellery or diamond business.

Quality is always our commitment.